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tv   CBS News Sunday Morning  CBS  December 8, 2013 9:00am-10:31am EST

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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations good morning, i sunday morning. today is a national day of prayer and reflection in south africa, beginning of a week of ceremonies and observances to honor the memory of nelson
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mandela. his death this past thursday saddened people all over the world and remind us how much he accomplished against such daunting odds. martha teichner will be reporting our cover story. >> he was to post apartheid south africa what george washington was to us, the father of his nation. >> there is time for the healing of the wound has come. >> he bore no grudges in spite of spending 27 years in prison. he went in a revolutionary and came out a statesman who spent the rest of his life reconciling white and black in a country where the racial divide was a chasm. later this sunday morning, what made nelson mandela a great man. >> osgood: we will consider mandela's place among the greats
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of history. and then turn to the manner of centuries beneath the square, a symbol of the freemasons, just who the masons are and who, what they do are one of the mysteries mo rocca will investigate. >> it is the world's oldest fraternity known for its rituals symbols and secrecy. >> what would happen if i found out the secret handshake and i weren't a mason. >> nothing. >> would you have to kill me? >> we might take you out and buy you a beer. >> ahead on sunday morning, meet the masons. >> osgood: ethan hawke is an actor who can play just about any type of role, not to mention play a pretty good game of pool as we find out. >> >> he is a member of the dead poet society. and a boy who meets a girl.
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>> it was about kiss, it was like blowing a kiss, you weren't actually french kiss something. >> but off screen you can catch ethan hawke's romantic side around the pool table. >> ahead on sunday morning. >> shooting pool with ethan hawke. >> wow! >> nicely done. >> nicely done. >> you made it. >> osgood: for the record, singer gordon lightfoot has been performing half a century now, 75 and is still going strong, fortunately for us he will slow down a little bit this morning to talk to our john blackstone. ♪ >> chances are you know the music of gordon lightfoot. >> but you probably don't know much about the man himself. >> like many canadians, gordon lightfoot isn't one to brag about his success. >> if you are polite or too damned polite that is a problem.
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>> you bert take care. >> gordon lightfoot ahead on sunday morning. >> osgood: stephen hartman offers proof it is never too late to learn. anthony mason gets a taste of historic new york deli. burbank asks for the smart phones and other high tech devices are dumbing us down. and first here are the headlines for this sunday morning. the 8th of december, 2013. we hymns and eulogy south africas are remember the life and less situate of anti-apartheid hero nelson mandela. mark phillips is there. >> reporter: the regime of church in soweto has always been the center of south africa's liberation and struggle. today they sang for the man who led that struggle and the remarkable reconciliation that followed. >> the sunday service here began on a day december nationed as one of worship and reflection
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for nelson mandela and the prayers had extra meaning. there aren't too many churches in the world where the image of a terrestrial political lead search enshrined in stained glass along with heavenly figures. mandela catherine sony says is almost war shipped here. >> the man is money for his conscious. i am today where i am because of him. >> reporter: among the congregation, the u.s. ambassador to south africa gastric gaspar. >> it is hard not to get emotional when talking about nelson mandela. his spirit flashes across the universe once every thousand years, so the world sees this again. >> elsewhere in johannesburg, south africa's current president suze ma and mandela's form my wife winnie were at another services that that began a week
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of commemoration. >> we fought against those who oppressed others. he wanted to help one to see. >> already the vigil of morning at the mandela house in johannesburg has turned into a kind of referential rolling street party. it goes on all day and much of the night. it is the south african way says mandela's friend for more than 30 years, a former cell mate. >> we sing and dance on every occasion. we sing and dance at weddings, at birthdays and at funerals. and i think that is true of south africans. >> funeral a week from today will attract presidents and prime ministers, princes and kings from around the world and from every possible political and religious persuasion, only nelson mandela could attract a crowd like that.
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but there was no other man like him. for sunday morning, i am mark phillips. >> osgood: president and mrs. obama will be travelling to south africa to attend memorial services for nelson mandela and be accompanied by three former presidents, george w. bush, bill clinton and jimmy carter. bitter cold temperatures, snow and freezing rain continue to grip much of the country. powerful storms stretching from texas to ohio is causing power outages, treacherous driving conditions and is blamed for several deaths. it is forecast to think mid atlantic states later today. merrill newman arrived at san francisco airport yesterday after being held in north korea for several weeks. the 85-year-old korean war vet was touring the country when he was detained by north korean authorities. he says he is delighted to be home.
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♪ >> jennifer of massachusetts nearly pulled off one of the world's biggest upset in bay route, lebanon placing third in the arabs got talent competition. not bad for a 23-year-old american who barely speaks any arabic. syrian das troupe cima took first prize. >> today's weather in a word, cold, arctic air has put the country in a deep-freeze, snow and icy rain could make it a mess as well. for most of us the cold and wet will continue for the next few days. >> i was riding -- >> osgood: hat, writer, director and actor ethan hawke. >> i just have been unavailable for the film career that i wou
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i was going to the library to do my homework. it took a lot of juggling to keep it all together. for some low-income families, having broadband internet is a faraway dream. so we created internet essentials, america's largest low-cost internet adoption program. having the internet at home means she has to go no further than the kitchen table to do her homework. now, more than one million americans have been connected at home. it makes it so much better to do homework, when you're at home. welcome to what's next. comcastnbcuniversal.
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>> osgood: people across south africa and around the world as well are honoring nelson mandela. spontaneous and emotional outpourings as much as celebration of mandela's life. scenes such as these bring home the accomplishments of this man at the age of 95 after a lifetime of struggling for justice. our cover story.
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♪ >> if he harbored any anger or bitterness, he hid it well. behind the famous smile that disarmed even his enemy. >> at times the healing of the world has come. the moment of freedom. >> in that moment, nelson mandela smiling his reassuring smile became the healer of wounds in south africa.
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the bridge across the chasm between blacks and whites divided by apartheid. that is his legacy. >> he spoke about forgiveness, about reconciliation and we owe him an enormous debt. >> archbishop desmond tutu. >> if someone had said, you talk about forgiveness but you have suffered. >> seeing him this way as his nation's beloved former president it's easy to forget the nelson mandela who spent 27 years in prison. most of them here on robin island south africa's alcatraz. conditions were grim. this was his cell. >> the work was very difficult
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at first. every day we had bleeding hands. >> one of the seven other political prisoners sentenced with mandela. >> they were instructed to do everything possible to break our morals. >> they failed. >> prison made the nell san mandela we know today. i asked him the question he kind of shrugged and looked at me and said i came out mature. >> rick stangle the former editor of "time" magazine. he helped mandela write his autobiography. >> the young man who went in to prison was hot headed, self involved, not anything like the nell san mandela who emerged and prison burned all of those excesses away.
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>> but who wouldn't have started out hot headed and angry given what the young nelson mandela had to live with. >> people are different to one another. they have been so created. it's an inescapable affect. >> apartheid became law in south africa. blacks had to carry passes, they couldn't live or travel where they pleased. or vote. the good jobs were reserved for whites. disseptemberers could pay with their lives. ♪ in march 1960, the south african police fired on demonstrators in the township of sharpsville. 69 were killed. most of them shot in the back. nelson mandela was a rising star in the anc, the african national
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congress which until the so-called massacre had advocated only peaceful protests. >> there are many people who feel that it is useful for us to continue talking nonviolence against the government. on defenseless people. >> mandela was one of those people he founded the armed wing of anc. considered a revolutionary he was put on trial for sabotage and conspiracy, his defense was a defiant four and a half hour speech that ended this way. >> i have fought against and i have fought against. >> the ideal of democratic and free society he went on. >> for which i am prepared to
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die. >> he expect to be hanged instead he was sentenced to life in prison. but even locked up nelson mandela was considered a terrorist by the south african government. you could be jailed for wearing a t-shirt like this one or carrying a sign. >> we demand the unconditional release of nelson mandela! >> international pressure to end apartheid and free nelson mandela was incensed. the star studded rock concert held in london in honor of his 70th birthday was seen on television by hundreds of millions of people in more than 60 countries. but not in south africa. subjected to stiff economic sanctions regarded as a pariah
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nation. south africa finally got the nation. >> i am now in a position to announce that mr. nelson mandela will be released on sunday the 11th of february at about 3:00 p.m. >> so it was. february 11th, 1990, nelson mandela walked free. his wife at his side. ♪ black south africa erupted in orgy of celebration. >> we begin in south africa where it is welcome home day for nelson mandela. >> good morning, charlie. nelson mandela has been in johannesburg for about 18 hours but his real homecoming when he arrived in soweta in a town he
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hasn't seen nor 27 years. >> looking back, amazing scenes. the astonishing pictures, four years later in 1994 when fights stood with blacks in line to vote in south africa's first nonracial election, to elect nelson mandela, president. >> he wins them over. he seduces them. >> the book "playing the enemy" was turned in to the movie. there is no better example of how he seduced all races than the day south africa beat new zealand in the 1995 rugby world cup final.
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>> goal. >> rugby had been the white man's sport. the green jersey a symbol of apartheid for blacks. but here was south africa's first black president being cheered as he walked on to the field wearing one. >> it was a moment when all south africa crowned mandela king. to achieve that is one of the great political achievements of all time. >> he came out of prison an old man in a changed landscape, starting over. what gave him the will to become a statesman. a nobel prize winner, the friend and confidante of world leaders. the price was high, his marriage to winnie ended in divorce he was father to his country not to his own children. >> he understood that sacrifice, i think it was a great sacrifice because he truly loved children, it was something that basically
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was denied him for 27 years. >> late in life nelson mandela began making up for lost time. he married again and surrounded himself with children. so why not remember him this way, not ailing, wasting away for months. why not remember him smiling his radiant smile. for his own pleasure. or have . eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel.
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bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. ♪ i'll call y♪u in a little bit. google... how do i get home? getting directions. ♪ we have a situation. what? we're out of dunkin'.
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emergency backup. one taste, and you'll understand. enjoy dunkin' donuts coffee anytime. pick some up where you buy groceries. america runs on dunkin'. >> osgood: with the passing of nelson mandela the world has lost one of its greatest leaders. when "time" magazine compiled list 100 most influential people in the late 1990s, mandel laughs one of just 20 in the category of the most influential leaders and revolutionaries. along with our own civil rights leader dr. martin luther king, junior. among others on the list, presidents theodore roosevelt and ronald reagan, winston churchill and margaret thatcher, pope john paul ii and israel's first prime minister david bengoria.
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adolph hitler and mao. "time" went on to name the last century's three greatest people. >> the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. >> osgood: runner up for franklin d. roosevelt and muhammad gandhi who led india's campaign against british colonialism. >> it is complete independence that we want. >> ghandi inspired among many others, nelson mandela who praised him in an essay for "time." growth ghandi and i suffered colonial oppression, and both of us mobilized our respected peoples against government, is that violated our freedoms. when it came to choosing the greatest figure of the 20th
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century, "time" looked beyond politics to choose albert einstein, the scientist who derived the equation e equals mc squared. a choice defended by walter isaacson. >> he said politics is for the moment and equation is for eternity. >> osgood: today nelson mandela finds himself of the greats of the last century. the honor roll for this century is still quite open. >> osgood: up next -- ♪ if you could read my mind, love ♪ what a tale my thoughts could tell ♪ >> singer gordon lightfoot. spent american express credit card,
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♪ carre highway is just one of the songs that earned gordon lightfoot a secure place in the ranks of modern singer/songwriters. this morning he talk to john blackstone for the record. ♪ >> we begin with a warning. songs by gordon lightfoot have a tendency to stick in your head. each tells a tale that's hard to forget. the kind they don't seem to make any more. ♪ once he ruled the airwaves.
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♪ singing of lives lost in shipwrecks and love gone bad. ♪ his music has been recorded by a streisand to the grateful dead. bob dylan to the king himself. ♪ >> went all the way to elvis. >> at age 75, lightfoot still tours. he played more than 70 dates this year. >> when you walk out in front of the crowd you you really got to give it everything, never less than what they expect from you.
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♪ every highway, slip away on you. >> his most recent tour was called 50 years on the carefree highway his life has been anything but carefree. timeless as his music may be the years have taken their toll on gordon lightfoot. in 2002 he almost died just minutes before taking the stage in his hometown, orelia a lake side community north of toronto. >> i had abort artery. it was like they gave me one shot. i don't remember anything after that for six weeks. >> six weeks unconscious. >> yeah. >> it's in orellia that he remembers singing for his first audience standing on his grandmother's kitchen table. >> aunts and uncles around the table watching, actually applau.
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i remember the applause. >> he grew up as gordy lightfoot singing in church choirs and barbershop quartets. in 1958gordy made a bold move heading to los angeles to study music. this is where i have to make a disclosure, orellia happens to be my hometown, too. >> i was in orellia i think i remember hearing about gordy taking off to los angeles. >> what's he doing going to los angeles? >> his big break came in 1965 when peter, paul and mary recorded his song "for lovin' me." ♪ >> their manager called, said, do you want a management contract. the conservative sort of
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canadian i am i had to think about it for three minutes. >> he may joke about being canadian but unlike others who found success in the united states and stayed there, lightfoot returned to his homeland. a matter of pride in canada where he even wound up on a postage stamp. >> we have a lot of common values. but we're different. we are different. there's lots of ways of defining that difference, one of them is in gordon lightfoot. >> good evening, i'm peter mansbridge. >> the eveningsc newast. >> lightfoot talks about his country. and about us. >> no lightfoot song is more canadian than the canadian railroad trilogy, it was commissioned to celebrate canada's centennial year 1967. ♪ >> i don't think it's any
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overstatement to suggest that for a lot of canadians it's kind of the unofficial anthem. we love "o, canada" we love seeing the flag raised when we meet the americans in the gold medal game in hockey. in the back of our minds it's the railroad trilogy. >> another was inspired by the great lakes ship wreck. ♪ >> with the exception of the titanic that there's no more famous ship wreck than the edmund fitzgerald. on his living room wall he keeps a copy of the 1975 magazine article that inspired the song and even some of its lyrics. ♪
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>> "newsweek" magazine gave it a half a page in a little tiny photograph about this big and i said, that's not good enough for this type of thing to go by totally unnoticed. >> he's crafted major hits from personal loss as well. if you could read my mind, followed the break up of his first marriage. ♪ his chart topping "sun down" dos a chronicle of infidelity. ♪ >> did your family suffer because of your dedication to performing, recording, writing? >> i think they did.
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hard to be traveling all over hither and yon and anything can happen. >> lots of temptation. >> yes. when young canadian musicians were asked recently by the cbc to audition for a tv show by performing "sun down" they made the old tune sound brand new. ♪ the music endures and so does gordon lightfoot. >> how long can you keep doing this? >> until i stop doing it. if you spend the rest of the day humming one of his songs, please remember, we warned you. they can stick in your head. [ applause ]
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>> thank you! >> osgood: coming up, just who are the freemasons, anyway? i stood outside, assessing i knew it could rough in there, but how rough? there was no way to know for sure.
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hey guys... daddy, it's pink! but hey. a new house it's a blank canvas. and we got a great one thanks to a really low mortgage rate from navy federal credit union. pink so she's a princess. you got a problem with that? oorah oorah 4 million members. 4 million stories. navy federal credit union. >> osgood: now a page from sunday morning almanac, december 8, 1886, 127 years ago today.
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the birthday of one of the most controversial artists of modern times. born in central mexico that day began drawing at the age of three. he is best remembered today for his colorful murals in support of socialist causes, for a pair of on again, off again marriages to the much younger artist freda cabo. beginning in 1932 he painted series for the detroit institute of arts called detroit industry. celebrating the 'systemly line workers in the city's auto plants. the following year he began work on a mural for new york's rockefeller center. entitled "man at the crossroads" which include add portrait of soviet communist leader vladimir lennon. defines of he take lennon out became stuff of art world legend.
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i will not compromise my vision. deegg picks in the 2002 film "freda". >> this is your fee. your services are noñ;longer required. >> it's my painting. >> on my wall. >> rockefeller ordered destruction of the offending mural which rivera went to recreate in mexico city. now more than half century after rivera's death in 1957, the future of his detroit museum murals may be in doubt. some people fearing that they and other art works there might have to be auctioned off as part of detroit's municipal bankruptcy. diego rivera murals at the center of controversy yet again. oversized deli sandwich is just ahead. ♪
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[ male announcer ] this holiday, don't get stuck at the corner of "oh! you got me something" and "oh...this is awkward." remember, walgreens has a great assortment of little somethings, and we're always nearby, so it's easy to get in and out. see you on your lunch break. swing by walgreens for lindt lindor truffles, hallmark cards, and more. plus, get up to 20 dollars in jingle cash on next week's purchase of 30 dollars or more. here at the corner of happy and healthy.
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>> osgood: send a salami to a boy in the army was the word war ii slogan of the new york city deli which offers a true slice of life with every sandwich. with anthony mason and friends we'll drop in for a snack. >> for jim gafigan is a cultural outing. >> i know we're going to a tourist trap but it's still very new york. >> the comedian and actor routinely takes his kids to this new york institution. to get sneer.ur favorite thing >> you got to get the pastrami. >> the super hero on his hip is his 2-year-old son, michael. >> you have to say it verbally but he gives me a look, i want to go off a pastrami sandwich. which dads take their kids to a museum. this whole segment is brought to you by lipitor. >> bonding over pastrami and
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fries has become a family tradition. >> one day he'll grow up say, my dad would say me to katz's deli. sometimes would even let me have a bite of his sandwich. >> that's how katz's has endured for 125 years. >> in this city where fashions change all the time, why is this place still here? >> they don't change. >> allan dell and his son jake are the fifth generation of owners. the dell family bought the deli from katz's descendants in 1988. >> everything you are eating we thke on the premises. e pickles we do in the back, the mustard. >> opened on new york's lower east side in 1888, katz's jewish immigrant founders brought their recipes for cured beef from eastern europe. >> is there an art to making a good sandwich? >> it's an art form. every piece of meat is
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different. got to treat it like you would a baby. >> does katz's ever advertise? >> no. you don't need to. >> it's all word of mouth. >> yes! yes! >> it was in katz's where harry met sally in the 1989 film and had their famously orgasmic meal. katz's name isn't even mentioned in the movie. but word got around. >> i'll have what she's having. >> oh, yeah. >> this summer 20 couples from the comedy group improv everywhere, slipped in to katz's and recreated the movie scene. >> oh, yes! >> did you know that was coming? >> no idea. >> you thought about joining in? >> no. >> what has that movie scene meant to this business? >> every once in awhile a
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review, that movie put you on the back. we were here a hundred years before the movie was made. >> it didn't hurt. >> you need a ticket to get in. they will charge you $50 if you lose it. it's how katz's keeps track of its customers. who come now from all over the country and the world. pictures of katz's famous fans line the wall. >> i love that it's wax paper. >> chef mario batalli. >> this is only one in the world. this is supreme. >> we ordered in a couple of katz's sandwiches with him. >> do you have a secret way of eating this? >> i put mustard on per bite. >> way to appreciate greatness. >> cheers. >> so, dishing out up to 15,000 pounds of pastrami every week >> world war i, world war ii.
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>> surviving on the same sandwich they have been making nor 125 years. >> osgood: next. >> who was drawn by the mystery. >> that's the reason people joined free mase sons. >> mo rock occa drops in on the free mase sons.
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group that's been misunderstood and even maligned for many centuries. this morning mo rocca takes us inside. >> it's the world's most well-known secret society. rich with symbols and ritual, it's the source of legends,
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parodies. ♪ and conspiracy theories. >> because so much organized crime uses the mess sonic secret system and the good old boy network to be able to get away with murder. and i mean murder. >> welcome to the world of free masonry. >> true or false the mase sons are a secret society? >> no. >> that's false. >> ucla history professor margaret jacob is one of the world's leading experts on freemasonry. >> it's a religion? >> no. it's false. >> true or false, masons were behind the american revolution? >> false. false. >> what about on the dollar bill the pyramid, that's masonic, right? >> everybody says -- in fact it's a common place in the
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ancient century. >> true, free mase sons laid the cornerstone of america well at least some of it's most iconic structures. what is freemasonry? >> simply put the oldest and largest fraternity. it's membership of who's who of world history. george washington, benjamin franklin, winston churchill, mozart, franklin radios vealed. henry ford, john wayne, even colonel sanders. if you want to be a mason you can petition a local lodge for membership. you'll need to demonstrate good characters and belief in some sort of supreme being. oh, in almost all lodges, it's men only. next you're up for a vote from grand master james sullivan. >> the lodge votes to accept you then you have the three degree,
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is that you go through. >> once you earn the third degree, yes, that's where the phrase comes from, you can join any number of masonic off shoot. he's a degree mason and historian at the house of the temple for the supreme right. it's that big building in washington, d.c. >> this isn't like the masnic vatican but it's important. >> absolutely right. it's one branch of freemasonry in the united states that's our headquarters building. >> inside the temple lodge room is a stunner. downstairs, there's this. >> this is the flag that buzz aldridge went to the moon. >> wow. >> it's tiny hats and small cars are your thing then there are the party animals of freemasonry the shriners. you may know them better for their 22 childrens hospitals
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where patients don't have to pay a cent. masons are flop i can they reportedly donate $million to charity every day. free masonry began as a guild for stone mason but lived on as a social organizations. >> 1717, the first grand lodge is created in london. and now there are many men in these lodges that are not associate with trade organizations. >> they're not stone cutters. >> they're not stone cutters. something had happened in modern fraternity has been created. >> it wasn't long afterward that the conspiracy theories began. >> all these men with different neighborhoods, different professions, meeting in the cafe, breaking bread together, doing rituals. what could this be? the response on the part of the authorities was, oh, my, god, this is a conspiracy. >> and so in 1738 pope clement
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the 12th issued the first decree against freemasonry and it still applies today. in the u.s. freemasonry flourished until its secrecy made it the object of suspicion here. spawning america race first third party the anti-masonic party it elected eight congressmen but lost the 1828 presidential election to andrew jackson. a proud mason. today free masonry has about 1.3 million members in the u.s. down from four million in 1959. among the members today, african americans, formerly relegated to a separate black only branch of freemasonry. then there are members like those in colonial lodge 1821 of washington, d.c. most of them are in their 20s
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and some attracted to free masonry by dan brown novels and movies like "national treasure." >> they formed a new brotherhood called the free mase sons. >> who here was drawn by the mystery? >> tradition. >> you know there's ritual but you don't know what it is? >> that's right. >> that's alluring. that's the reason people joined freemasonsry not rotarians. >> what about those secrets? >> what would happen if i found opt the secret handshake and i weren't a mason? you have to kill me? >> might take you out buy you a beer. >> the secrets of the mason represent by integrity has a man. i took a promise that i would not tell you what the secrets of the mason are. i didn't take a promise that i would care if you know what they are. >> also a big secret, the meetings. no non-may sons or cameras are
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aloud but st. john's lodge number one of new york city agreed to give us a glimpse. for meetings may sons dress up in their sunday best just like the original stone cutters wear aprons. at the center of any lodge room is an altar. >> all the activities of the lodge take place. >> pierce vaughn is the lodge master. >> people talk about religion here? >> absolutely not. there are certain subjects which are prevented from discussing within the lodge. religion is one, politics is another. >> religion and politics. may sons were raised right. >> yes. >> then there are the ceremonies. each one teaches a moral lesson related to the legend of one hiram abith the architect of king solomon's temple. they can be a little unusual as pointed out in this recruitment video. >> even while blindfolded try to concentrate on what you are asked, what is stead to you and
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what is happening around you. everything will be explained to you in later sections of the degree. >> when a candidate comes in to the door he's blindfolded because symbolically he's in a state of darkness because mason is moving from darkness in to masoinic light. >> being unenlightened then enlightened? >>er. as to what happens after that, well, that's a secret. but for members free masonry is about something much simpler. >> i have a group of men that i enjoy being with. these are people that i go out to dinner with, we socialize together. the guys i like to hang with. they're my friends. >> osgood: still to come just thrown read. >> do you ever think you'd read that? >> osgood: making up for lost time.
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we're looking at the snow and sleet moving in now across much of the area. it's been in bits and spurts. we've got reports of snow on the ground in the shenandoah valley where the temperatures are in the mid-20s, an inch or so already. we'll be watching this activity as it moves towards us during the day, as it moves over to sleet and freezing rain.
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c perhaps you remember the report this past april about american war hero who was turning a page in his life late in light. this morning steve reminds of us how far behind that veteran was and how far it's come since. >> inside a single wide in cookson, oklahomaa tortured soul lives alone. >> it's a lard life. you ain't never lived hard until you go through what i've been through. this is me -- >> 90-year-old ed grey served in word war ii. he was normandy on d-day has two purple hearts and more than a dozen other medals. when we first met him in march he couldn't even read what they were for not because it was too painful. >> victory. >> but because he could not read. >> you know what that word is? >> toughest thing ever happened to me not being able to read.
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>> you said you were at normandy, though. >> yes. >> ill literal see can be that damning. >> i've covered this up for 80 years. nobody in this town knows i can't read. >> until he retired. ed worked a civilian job at air force basea co-worker helped him with the forms what happened not. at home his wife covered for him for 62 years until she died in '09 since then ed has managed okay. but the soldier in him still refuses to surrender. >> i wanted to read one book, i don't care if it's about mickey mouse i want to read one book before i die. >> over the years ed said many people have tried to school him but invariably either the teacher or the student would get frustrated and give up. then a few months ago a friend suggested he see a professor of reading education here at oklahoma northeastern state university. >> he told me i was wasting my time.
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and i said, we'll just sit and chat a couple of times a week is that okay? >> toby says eventually their weekly talks gave way to flashcards. >> everything started clicking. he got pretty good at the sight words. but the real break through came in february when at the age of 89, ed grey read this book about george washington. >> it gave me goose bumps it still does. it still does. he read three more that week. though they were all just third grade level biographies each one had the same dramatic ending. >> did you ever think you'd read that? >> this has changed my whole life. i'm not the same guy i was when i started with toby i'm a different man now. >> today, ed is at a 6th grade level now can enjoy benefits literacy provides. most notably -- karaoke. ♪
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we asked him to sing for us on this night but he does it all the time on his own. reading really has given him tremendous confidence which he hopes will inspire others. >> get in there and learn, baby! now! because you ain't going to learn it in that pine box. >> just learn to read already a poet. >> that's the truth. >> osgood: ahead, ethan hawke on screen -- >> summer of '94. >> osgood: and stage. check my blood sugar, eat better. start insulin. today i learned there's something i don't have to do anymore. my doctor said with levemir® flexpen... i don't have to use a syringe and a vial. levemir® flexpen comes prefilled with long-acting insulin taken once daily for type 2 diabetes to help control high blood sugar. dial the exact dose.
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poets society" now he's branching out with a role on broadway stage. how does he relax in his moments of down time? that and more in this sunday profile. >> nice one. >> not nice enough. table's open. trust your inner voice, right? >> i'm trying meet actor ethan hawke for a friendly game of pool. you'll see it's not about whether you win or lose but how you play the game. >> the important think not to sink the ball. important thing is to look good while you do it. >> he's no hustler, either. >> just kiss it right there, that's what you want to do. >> easier said than done. very well done. >> we met hawke at the players in new york city. a 125-year-old social club for
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people in the arts. which as you'll see is what hawke is all about. his portrait is on the wall next to members christopher plummer and carol burnett. >> how did they approach you about this? >> i don't know. i could do without. >> but at 43 hawke's earned his place there. it all began with an audition in manhattan not too far from his boyhood home near princeton, new jersey. >> my mother thought it would be nice to get experience. in fact a big fight erupted when i got one of these parts then my mother said, well, you can't do it. >> you convinced them, come on, let me do this. >> 13-year-olds can be very persuasive. making them unhappy is such a miserable experience. >> that was great. >> the role was opposite river phoenix in the 1985 sci-fi film "explorers." >> i'm ben.
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me, ben. >> me, tarzan. >> it was a big budget flop. >> i like to say it was the best thing that ever happened to me if you really want life in the arts to get some good solid failure right at the start. >> hawke didn't give up. four long years later he got his big break in a little film called "dead poets society" with robin williams. >> describe what you see. >> i close my eyes -- yes. >> image of -- >> it was the 1994 film "reality bites. that made hawke a face of generation x. >> would have liked to have been there to watch how you rationalize sleeping with a yup pe head cheese ball on the first date. >> not a yup pe. >> the reason why cliff notes were inn't. >> played this role that represented a kind of unwillingness to dubiousness
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about older generation at the same time not knowing what to do at all. of being totally unmotivated. >> motivation has never been a problem for hawke. at 21 he started his own theater company. at 27 married actress uma thurman and started a family. by 32 he'd published two novels and got an oscar nomination for his role in "training day" opposite denzel washington. >> can't be like this. >> this is the way it is, i'm sorry i exposed you to this. it's ugly but necessary. >> i became a cop to put away drug dealers, poisoners, the prisoners not to be one. >> if you're an ethan hawke fan it's probably because of this. and this. and this. for movie critics the films
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before "sunrise" before sunset and before midnight tell one of the greatest boy meets girl stories in movie history. in 1995, before sunrise, the film's character spend a single magical night together in vienna. >> i'm going to take your picture. so i never forget you or all this. >> okay. >> they meet again nine years later in paris. >> look, i'm just so happy to be with you. i am. i am so glad you didn't forget about me. >> no, i didn't. >> in this year's "before midnight" it's been another nine years. jesse and salene are now married but things aren't so romantic. >> this is how people start
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breaking up. this is the day you are like a ticking bomb that will destroy our life. >> it's been 20 years in the making. do you get tired of talking about it? >> weirdly have i had the experience of doing something really, truly meaningful to me in hing it land on fertile ground. something audiences are really interested in. >> the only thing audiences seem more interested in is hawke's own love life. uma thurman had a highly publicized divorce in 2004 but he mass no regrets about their marriage. >> i would never second guess that decision, greatest decision, one of many of my favorite decisions that i ever made. i was in fact had no tools to make a life long relationship work. at that time. >> hawke married again in 2008.
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right now ethan hawke is taking a break from hollywood for broadway. where he's playing mcbeth. >> if it were done it's done. it opened to less than stellar reviews. do you pay attention to the critics and -- or do you just -- >> you have to. it's a lie to say you don't. it's part of your profession. i've always had a strange relationship with critics. >> always working, hawke's now writing his third book. as well as a graphic novel about the apache leader geronimo. >> how do you want to be known? >> people used to tell me that, you know, to be really successful in this profession
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just have an identity that people can understand. kind of make up a personality. i have no agenda with how people see me. >> maybe that's because being ethan hawke comes down to one simple philosophy. >> if your life is in service of the arts it's going to be a beautiful thing. it doesn't matter whether you have success or failure. blop. >> osgood: just ahead. >> i tried to spell spatula for eight minutes the other way. >> can your smart phone make you eight minutes the other way. >> can your smart phone make you dumb? is going to grow by over 90 million people, and almost all that growth is going to be in cities. what's the healthiest and best way for them to grow so that they really become cauldrons of prosperity and cities of opportunity? what we have found is that if that family is moved into safe, clean affordable using, places that have access to great school systems,
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we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. >> osgood: as our gadgets and devices get smarter and smarter, are we getting less so? that's what our contribute are thinks. >> software designers and other assorted geniuss or is that geniui? the people responsible for
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amazing advances to make our lives so much easier, please stop. seriously, please, stop right now. all this help you're offering is causing me to deinvolve rapidly. did you see that movie "benjamin button" where brad pitt kept growing younger. >> i can walk farther and faster while everyone else was aging. >> that's what's happening to me, but just inside my brain. involving hundreds of simple tasks that i used to know how to do. i realized all of this a few weeks ago when my wife asked me a sign of love and dedication, if i knew her cell phone number by heart. i looked this beautiful woman straight in the eye and i guessed. wrong. way wrong. but of course i couldn't remember her number. because i've never known it. from our first date she's been a name in my cell phone. in fact if you hung me over a pit of live crocodiles i couldn't remember seven digits in a row any more.
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i've lost that ability because i don't need it. the machines do it for me. also that's the part of my brain that's now used for fantasy football. without my computer assistance i often end up porky pigging it, which i mean, ting to spell a word, realizing i can't then eventually just choosing a completely different word. i try to spell spatula for eight minutes the other day before finally settling on, food picker-upper-thingy. if typing something without spell check is hard writing things out by hand, that is now all but impossible for me. i haven't given my mother a proper birthday card in years because i don't trust myself toe successfully hand write "love you bunches." i've done the math on this, people. well, that's actually not true i have an app on my phone that does stuff like math for me. anyway, i've looked at that app it tells me based on the rate of invention and my rate of atrophy when it comes to simple tasks,
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that the current pace i'll be reduced to a slopering infant within six years. so, please, innovators, i beg of you, stop now. my -- sorry, i hand wrote this last part. my -- my very life depends on it. thank you. impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production iain sp and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. jit'sust one reason over 70% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing.
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>> osgood: here is a look at the week ahead on our "sunday morning" calendar. monday is sentencing day for former san diego mayor bob philmer who pleaded guilty to three criminal counts in sexual harassment scandal. on tuesday, nobel peace prize is owe warded for the organization for prohibition of chemical weapons. wednesday, announcement of "time" magazine's person of the year. on thursday veteran game show host and animal rights advocate bob barker celebrates his 90th birthday here on cbs. friday the 1th is the deadline for congressional conference committee to provide budget recommendations for fiscal year 2014. and saturday is the first anniversary of the sandy hook elementary school shooting in connecticut that killed 20 children and six adults.
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♪ ta-da! whoa. showtime. agh! there's me! there's me! there's me! boom. ohhhh! ♪
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>> osgood: it happened this week. three developments in the world of art. the perez art museum of miami opened wednesday just in time for the annual international art fair known as art basal, miami beach. designed to blend win the waterfront location, the museum debuted with a full roster of exhibitions including one titled
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"according to what" a survey of the work of dissident chinese artist. ford unveiled a brand new version of the mustang on thursday ahead of the legendary car's 50th anniversary. more than nine million mustangs have been sold over the years. many still on the road thanks to the tenderov lgin care bestowed on them by devoted owners. owners who consider the mustang one of the finest examples of the auto designers. finally panton the company that builds itself as the authority on color this week decreed radiant other kid the core of the year nor 201 describing it as, quote, a captivating magical enegmatic purple which got us to wondering, over the new mustang look like with a radiant orchid
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paint job. upcoming week will be time of mourning and of celebration for the late nelson mandela. people have been participating in a national day of prayer. on tuesday there will be memorial service open to the public and heads of state at johannesburg main soccer stadium. mr. mandela's remains will be on view to the public in pretoria beginning wednesday before being moved to the village of kun, where he grew up, where next sunday nelson mandela will be laid to rest. as for this sunday, countless americans here at home are reflecting on nell san mandela's legacy. wand that in mind we turn to bob schieffer in washington for look what's ahead on "face the nation." >> schieffer: good morning, charles. we're going to talk to the poet mya angelo about the epic poem
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she has written to mark the passing of nelson mandela. >> osgood: we'll be watching. nextk, wee here on "sunday morning." >> never so alive -- thank you. >> osgood: the real tale of charles dickens. >> you get the sense of furious energy in a way. man who can't stop. >> osgood: with actor ray finnes. anything we purchase
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c we leave you this sunday back in south africa at cougar national park.
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i'm charles osgood. please join us again next "sunday morning" until then i'll see you on the radio. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier.
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>> schieffer: today on "face the nation," the world remembers nelson mandela. thousands are turning out in his country as south africa holds a national day of prayer to honor the man they call mondiva the father of modern south africa. we'll talk to friends and followers of the former president who died last week at the age of 95. that and the other news of the day on "face the nation."


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